Marty lives, works, and organizes in Chicago. The People’s Lobby is his organizing home, where he works with the small but mighty Southwest Side Core Team. Since 2018 he has knocked doors for Kim Foxx, Warren Williams, Kina Collins, Brandon Johnson, Rob Martwick and Lindsey LaPointe. He has also worked on the Fair Tax campaign, the Pre-trial fairness act, and research projects to leverage the power of the political left.

Since 2000, he has worked with juvenile legal system involved youth, and has worked across the south side of Chicago doing case management, therapy, and evaluation of these youth; created youth-input programming; and trained new staff on interviewing, the juvenile court act, data and data literacy, and on electronic case management systems.

He lives with his wife and two miniature schnauzers. He is also an amazing uncle to two nephews and a niece. If he is not organizing or working, he is probably talking about Daredevil.