We’(R)e Back

why though

Kylah Seltzer Johnston


April 7, 2024

Sometimes (and by sometimes I mean almost always1), things don’t go exactly as planned! R for Revolution launched on January 16th, with the plan of posting weekly. We can admit it…we’re a little behind. 2024 has come with many ups and downs for the R for Revolution team, but we aren’t gone. From the loss of two very special pets, the ramping up of a new job, another intense election cycle, and a move to a new apartment, we have both had some personal life events that have required our energy these past few months. Marty and I started this project because we saw a need, and because it is something we are genuinely excited about and enjoy working on. That being said, we have both been in the organizing game for years, and have had moments where we’ve sacrificed our personal lives for the movement. We have also learned that that is not sustainable, and sometimes, life requires us to put things on hold for our own wellbeing.

While we haven’t been posting the past few months, that doesn’t mean we’ve been stagnant. Marty was leading election work with his Southwest Side team, and has continued to prep future exciting reads for the blog, while also balancing time for himself and his family. I have been learning GIS and continuing to struggle through R, while also settling into my new job and new apartment.

As the world around us continues to be a scary, heartbreaking, unpredictable place, with moments of hope that keep us running, Marty and I both remain committed to the long-term growth of the movement, and know that that means that every once and a while we may need to recharge ourselves. While we wish that our launch had been followed by weekly posts and blogs and growing our reach, we are still excited about what’s to come, and hope you are too! In order to ease back in, here’s what you can expect from us: qu Weekly social media posts, sharing what we are working on and teasing what is to come! Full blog posts on organizers.science every other week from both Marty and Kylah! Emails every other week to anyone signed up on our mailing list!

As we continue to grow our work, we will keep you updated on any changes to our posting schedule. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and understanding, and hope you will continue to follow along.

Cheers to the data revolution!



  1. Kylah is 100% speaking for both of us here – Marty↩︎